petals for love and loss
tributes to mortality
waves rhythm
and birds call
as we gaze on that taut line
and the tides breathing
heavy and full
a singularity draws us
to a far horizon

A far horizon
‘A far horizon’ is about love, loss and loneliness.
Visitors to Whitby, in North East England, often leave flowers and special objects in memory of loved ones who have died. These tributes are left on benches, tied to railings, wrapped in cellophane or scattered in ‘sacred’ places. As the flowers wilt and die they invoke feelings of melancholy. When you love someone you risk the pain of separation, and it feels fitting that the benches are often used by couples in a relationship. For many visitors, Whitby is a special place and the flowers also represent a love for the town itself.
There is something about being at the sea’s edge gazing out to an unseen place, that brings with it a feeling of serenity. Perhaps the sea represents escape or maybe the great unknown. Whatever it is, it is sensed but not seen, just beyond the horizon.
Whitby. North Yorkshire. 2022
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